
I'm a software engineer and web developer with a background in biology. I have experience with building web applications in JavaScript, Ruby, React/Redux, Node.js, Python, Django, Rails, SQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Express, Git, AWS, HTML5, CSS3, and Heroku.

In my spare time I like to read novels, and if I am not reading or programming I'll probably be outside enjoying a nice walk with my dog or hiking on new trails. My favorite trail has to be the Big C behind UC Berkeley.

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Meeting Minutes

MeetingMinutes, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform designed to streamline team workflow by replacing legacy spreadsheets.

Technologies Used

React, Redux, JavaScript, TypeScript React on Rails, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, HTML, Material UI

Social Network

SocialNetwork, a full-stack clone of Facebook, is a social networking platform where users can post, comment, and connect with friends and people across the world

Technologies Used

React, Redux, Javascript, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails, HTML, SCSS, AWS


MapStatesToPost, a full-stack postcard app, where users can post photos from states they have visited as well as view and comment on other user's posts.

Technologies Used

React, Redux, Javascript, MongoDB, MongooseODM, Express, Node, HTML, CSS, AWS

Contact Me

  • Address

    Oakland, CA 94606

  • Phone

    (510) 457-8520